Stack Developer

Hello! My name is Michael Rogers ,

I like to build things for the web.

(Occasionaly, I will break fix those things.)

I enjoy building, breaking, and fixing things that live on the internet. My interest in web development started in the early 2000s, but became a serious pursuit during the covid pandemic. I was looking for a creative outlet, that satisfied my need to solve puzzles and sudoku just wasnt cutting it anymore. I have a genuine thirst for knowledge, and a passion to learn. I see coding as a puzzle with endless possiblities, and solutions, that I absolutely cannot put down.

In 2021, I successfully completed UC Davis full stack certificate program.

Since then, I have relentlessly pursued knowledge and growth by building responsive websites, and dynamic applications. I enjoy creating a simple, clean, and polished, user experience. I take the same approach to development, design, and implementation.